Establishing a company
in Bosnian and Herzegovina


Establishing a company in Bosnian and Herzegovina implies a series of procedures.

Foreign investors find a productive and welcoming economic environment and are not treated with discrimination, having the same rights as domestic entrepreneurs. It is important to note that the country comprises two constitutional regions, Republika Srpska [wiki] and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina [wiki]. 

Opening a company in Bosnia and Herzegovina implies understanding the particularities of doing business according to the chosen region where the company will be based. That is why we recommend that foreign investors get in contact with a specialized lawyer. Our lawyers specialize in the process of establishing a company and can help all investors open a company in Sarajevo or another chosen city in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

where to establish a company in Bosnia

Main steps for establishing a company in Bosnia and Herzegovina:

Our team presents the six main steps needed to establish a company in Bosnia.

    1. Draw up the establishment contract or decision (for businesses with only one founder).
    2. Pay the capital: the minimum share capital is payable according to the existing regulations for the chosen type of business.
    3. Registration: performed with the municipal court, according to the city where the company is based; court fees are applicable.
    4. The company stamp: the company needs to have a stamp that will include the name and address
    5. Open the bank account: each company will need to have a bank account opened with a local bank. Several documents, when submitted, are required information with the chosen bank branch.
    6. Register for tax and employment purposes: the company can now register with the tax administration and will be able to hire employees in Bosnia.

You can hire employees in Bosnia and Herzegovina after completing all the actions required for setting up a company in Bosnia; the entrepreneur may employ the needed personnel. The Labor Law provides the working conditions, wages, working hours, and other rulings. An entrepreneur may choose to hire an employee for an indefinite contract or a formal contract in case of seasonal jobs, replacement of temporarily absent employees, limited projects, or in other situations determined by collective agreements. The working hours shall not exceed 40 hours per week. When the position and job’s duties require extended hours, the maximum working hours can be up to 60 hours per week.


For more information about Establishing a company, check this document HOW TO ESTABLISH A BUSINESS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA.pdf.

For foreign employees needs WORKING PERMIT and RESIDENT VISA to be able to work in Bosnia.


Our team will be happy to help you with the procedure of establishing a company in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Feel free to contact us: